Top 5 Moments of SNL 21/11

In order of appearance

1. SNL Digital Short – Two Worlds Collide

That’s because a girl like Reba’s got just what I need
With big broad shoulders and a red-ass weave
(And a penis)
Hot damn, she fly
All she wanna do is bump me
I’m a lucky guy
(I’m a guy too)
My friends think I should dump her
They say she’s a man who found a wig in a dumpster
(Your friends are smart)
Nah, Rebes, they’re just jealous
‘Cuz I’m dating a star instead of hanging with the fellas
(Hanging like my nuts)


2. The Mellow Show With Jack Johnson

Jack Johnson [Andy Samberg]: Wow, that is some smooth scatting
Jazon Mraz [Joseph Gordon-Levitt]: Yeah. Scatting is good when you’re too mellow to actually write lyrics.
Dave Matthews [Bill Hader]: Oh yeah. Foot-five to that!

3. What’s Up With That?

Klaus Future [Joseph Gordon-Levitt]:
In the future
Dogs will be cats, yeah
And in the future
Shoes will be hats, yeah
And in the future
Wrong will be right
And in the future
You will party all niiiight

4. Weekend Update

Al Gore: In stead of just writing a letter to a congress man. I’m gonna fill up a trash can with ice water and prop it up against his office door so that when he opens it, cold water splashes all over him. Then he’ll find the note I left on his desk that says ”We’re melting. Love, the glaciers

5. Say Anything

Man [Jason Sudeikis]: Oh man, this kid loves casettes, huh?


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