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The following is a list of all entries tagged with Andy Samberg:
Top 5 moments of SNL 6/2
Filed in They make funny, you make laughy, 12 mars 2010, 23:56[In order of appearance] 1. Slave boy King [Will Forte]: He has a dagger! Stand down guards! Antonius will handle this! Antonius [Ashton Kutcher]: [Throwing grapes] No! Grape attack! Go away! Go away! Go away! Grape Attack! Go away! 2. Weekend Update – Liam, the teenager who just woke up Seth Meyers: Hey, how’s it […]
Lazy Sunday LIVE
Filed in They make funny, you make laughy, 11 mars 2010, 23:54This just might be the greatest most awesome thing in the history of viral video-follow ups! (Is there a great history in that?) However, this, i promise you, have got exactly what it takes to make your life perfect for three minutes. Roll it! > CLICK HERE AND WATCH! <