Tag Archive

The following is a list of all entries tagged with Funny People:

Ni som följt mig mer än två sekunder

Vet att jag har fler tvångstankar och konstiga vanor än vad som kan räknas på fingrarna. Eller fötterna. Jag tänkte härmed dela med mig av en av de mildare tvångstankar slash vanor jag besitter – Jag har en lista där jag skriver upp alla nya filmer jag ser. Varje år måste jag komma upp i […]

My face is circumcised

Mark [Jason Schwartzman]: When I was younger my grandfather died, and we were all gathered around him. And there was this one candle next to his bed. Right after he died the candle started flickering, and then it just went out. We looked around, and there were no windows. Like, nothing in that room, and […]

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